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In keeping with the mission statement of MacGillivray Guest Home, the Recreation Department exists to provide therapeutic recreation programs to all residents of the home. The Recreation Department’s mandate is to enhance the quality of life for all residents by focusing on the resident’s social, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.

Qualified Recreation staff plan and implement therapeutic recreation & leisure programs designed specifically to meet the needs and abilities of our residents.


Some of our programs include Headline Hunters, Men’s Coffee Club, Sing-A-Longs, Bakers Corner, Fun & Fitness, Bingo, Theme Events, and many different scheduled entertainments.

An individualized therapeutic recreation care plan is developed for each resident based on a recreation assessment of skills, abilities and needs. Some of our therapeutic programs include one to one music therapy, horticultural therapy and weekly visits by recreation staff to work on enhancing skills and hobbies.


Therapeutic Programs

The Recreation Department believes community involvement is a key part of the resident’s ability to maintain a positive quality of life through a connection with the greater community. Community programs include working closely with local CWL groups and having volunteers assist with recreation programs from local service clubs creating strong community ties. Community outings are scheduled on a regular basis and through these outings the residents are able to attend concerts, sporting events, summer festivals, movies, enjoy restaurants, shopping trips and many more community adventures.


Community Programs

MacGillivray Guest Home operates a 15 passenger wheelchair accessible bus for the benefit of the residents of the Home. The recreation staff are all trained in safe practices and operation of the vehicle and all carry a class 4 driver’s licence. Outings and pleasure drives are provided free of charge to transport residents to social and recreational events in the community as organized by the Recreation Director.




Monthly calendars of scheduled activities are prepared by the Recreation Department. Copies of the calendar are given to each resident, and are made available for all family members in the Main Lobby. Copies are also posted on all Nursing Units and communication boards throughout the home.

Residents who wish to learn computer skills or for those who already have knowledge can access email and communicate with families via the residents computer and email (


Resident Email

Resident and Family Council ensures all residents play a part in the organized functions of the home. The Resident & Family Council promotes the collective interests of residents with respect to services provided by various departments. Meetings are held two times a year and are communicated via the monthly recreation calendar. All residents and families are encouraged and welcome to attend.


Resident & Family Council

The Recreation Department supports visiting pets as a way to provide a home like environment for all residents. Currently we have a resident cat named “Buttons”. If you wish to visit with a family pet please contact the Director of Recreation at (902)539-6110 ext 229 for assistance.




Mail is delivered everyday by recreation staff. Assistance is offered to help residents read or send mail as required. Mail for residents should be addressed to:

Name of Resident
MacGillivray Guest Home
25 Xavier Drive
Sydney, NS B1S 2R9



The home has a licenced salon and a master stylist working 5 days a week. Hair dressing services include; perms, cuts, sets, coloring, barbering services. Appointments can be made by calling the Director of Recreation at (902) 539-6110 ext 229 for assistance.


Hair Dressing and Barber Services

Residents are encouraged to exercise their right to vote. Every effort is made to ensure all able residents are registered to vote. Polling booths are set up at the home on election day. Bedside voting is also available as required.



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