Guest Home
MacGillivray Guest Home offers both semi private and private rooms equipped with a “Nurse Call” system. Room allocation is based on availability and your health needs. Couples at their request may share a semi private room. Where possible you will be admitted to the type of accommodation you requested however there may be a wait period for private rooms.
The Home reserves the right to transfer residents to other rooms as required to meet the needs of the residents and the Home.
MacGillivray Guest Home has a 15 bed Alzheimer Unit. The unit consists of 5 double rooms and 5 single rooms. The entrance to the unit is locked to provide safety for those residents who may wander.
Residents with Alzheimer Disease and other types of dementia live on the unit.
The residents enjoy their own sitting room and dining room for meals and activities. A large deck and garden are easily accessed from the unit
The Recreation Department in conjunction with nursing staff provide activities specific to residents with dementia. The Mantessori approach to managing the behavioral symptoms associated with dementia has been implemented.
When it has been determined that a resident does not meet the criteria for the unit they may be transferred to another unit, e.g. their condition has deteriorated to the point that they require the mechanical lift for transfers or they do not benefit from the unit's programs they may be transferred to another unit.
Alzheimer Unit-Reminiscent Road
Please report to the Receptionist’s Office located in the lobby upon arrival.
A wheelchair is available at all times in the lobby to assist the resident.
Carts are available to assist in moving clothing or furniture upon request. Please ask the Receptionist for assistance.
Furniture and clothing is brought in the Main Entrance only.
We are a nonsmoking facility.
Resident Admission Guidelines
What to bring when you move in:
Power of Attorney
Drug Benefit Card
Nova Scotia Health Card
R. C. MacGillivray Guest Home is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Please arrange with family members to store your personal items of value. Residents are encouraged to have family members keep personal items of value at home or arrange insurance coverage for their personal contents including valuables such as dentures, eye glasses and jewelry.
Equipment such as special mattresses, beds, wheelchairs, customized walkers; lifts, etc. are available through the Red Cross equipment program.
Approved residents may be required to pay a monthly fee based on income. The amount of the monthly fee is based on the resident's income as well as the type and quantity of equipment. The items are the property of the Red Cross and will be returned to the Red Cross when no longer required by the resident.
Specialized Equipment Program
At times physicians recommend medical appointments at outside health care facilities. MacGillivray Guest Home staff schedule the appointments and make transportation arrangements. Families are encouraged to take or accompany their loved one to appointments whenever possible. Staff will arrange other transportation and accompaniment if required at a cost to the resident.
Medical Appointments
Dr. John Archibald is our Medical Director and House Physician. He visits on a weekly basis and when required. Residents may keep their current family physician if they are willing to continue care. Dr. Archibald is available to all new residents if your family physician is unable to follow at the Home.
Medical Services
All medications administered to residents must be ordered by a physician. Medications are administered by Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses.
Residents and/or families must consult with nursing staff regarding the use of over the counter drugs.
Residents and/or families are required to pay for prescription drugs that are not covered by the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Program.
From time to time for health, security and sanitation reasons, staff are required to check resident dresser drawers and wardrobes for spoiled food, soiled clothing and the like. We always try to conduct such checks in the presence of the resident. As well we encourage family members to check the resident’s closets regularly for any items which may have been placed there by mistake. Any non perishable food brought in by family should be in airtight containers.
Room Monitoring
The staff of MacGillivray Guest Home is dedicated to the provision of quality resident care. We strive to provide a safe environment that maintains and promotes the individual's right to dignity, respect and independence. Although we accept the responsibility to identify potential risks, we believe it is essential that residents be permitted to make the choice to take the risks of everyday life.
Our Falling Star program identifies residents who are at a high risk for falls. We work with families to provide a safe and secure environment.
No Restraint Policy
The nursing staff of MacGillivray Guest Home consists of the Director of Care, Assistant Director of Care, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Continuing Care Assistants. The nursing staff is committed to providing excellent care to the residents. Staff care for residents with dignity and respect and encourage independence. Emphasis is placed on caring for the resident holistically.
The Home provides all medical and nursing supplies. The Home has an excellent in house incontinence system at no additional cost to residents. However if residents wish to use their own brand of products they may do so at their own expense.
Families are encouraged to call the Registered Nurses at any time to discuss care issues. The Director of Care is always available to discuss any concerns related to resident care.
Nursing Services
A Physiotherapist works 1.5 days per week to assess residents who may need interventions to improve or maintain their mobility and independence. A Physiotherapy Assistant is available full time to implement the recommendations of the Physiotherapist.
Physiotherapy Services
Care Conferences are a means by which concerns of the resident, family and staff can be addressed and all aspects of the resident's care are discussed. The goal of the Care Conference is to identify needs and to address areas of concern to improve the resident’s quality of life.
The initial Care Conference is held approximately six weeks after the resident is admitted, then yearly thereafter. The Director of Nursing , Assistant Director of Nursing, Dietician, Registered Nurse, PT/OT Aid, resident, family and a representative attend the conference.
Care Conferences
A Registered Dietitian is on staff and oversees the nutritional health of our residents. On admission a nutritional assessment is completed on each resident. The assessment includes: diet history, weight history, food preferences, food allergies, capabilities for independent eating, need for special dishes or utensils, and special nutritional needs.
A nutritional risk level is assigned to each resident and is reviewed yearly or sooner depending on level of risk. The dietitian also oversees the menus and food preparation.
MacGillivray Guest Home has an active Resident Safety Committee and infection control program. Purell, an alcohol based hand sanitizer, is located at the entrances to the building and in other strategic locations. Visitors are asked to clean their hands with purell upon entering and leaving the building. The Influenza vaccine is administered yearly as per Public Health recommendations and guidelines. The Pneumovax vaccine is administered shortly after admission if the resident has not received it previously.
Infection Control
MacGillvray Guest Home recognizes that residents and family members are an integral part of the care team and we welcome your input and participation. If at any time you have a question or concern you may speak with the RN on the unit, Director of Care, or Assistant Director of Care.
Resident and Family Involvement
A Care Plan is developed for each resident. Information is obtained from the Health Care Team, the resident and family to help make the transition to MacGillvray Guest Home as smooth as possible. Care Plans include information regarding personal care, dietary, social, recreation and safety issues. The Care Plan helps to ensure the resident receives consistent, individualized care.
Resident Care Plan
This is designed to provide relief to family caregivers for a short period of time. MacGillvray Guest Home has one bed designated as respite care. This service can be very beneficial to families during a family illness, vacation, or other times deemed necessary. In order to be admitted you must go through the single entry access system that is outlined under "Admission Process".
During their stay, the person will get the care and support they need from the staff at MacGillvray Guest Home. Meals are included. A person may access respite beds anywhere in the province for up to a total of 60 days in a 12-month period.