Guest Home
Environmental Services staff is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the Home. This includes the cleaning of residents' rooms, washrooms, hallways, dining areas, and all public areas and offices.
The Home provides machine washing, drying, and delivery of personal clothing.
Labeling Procedure
On the day of admission, the resident/family member is responsible to leave all articles of clothing with the admitting staff member, who will ensure the transfer of clothing to the Laundry Department where labels will be permanently attached identifying the resident’s name. Please ensure all garments are clean and in good state of repair.
Please be sure to allow time for the Laundry Department to label all new clothing before they are worn. This process will help eliminate clothing getting lost. Remember to have the clothing worn on the first day marked before it is sent to the laundry
We recommend washable easy care, perm-a-press clothing. Wool or 100% cotton clothing is not advisable. Since storage space is limited, families are encouraged to take off season clothing home.
Sewing and Major Alterations
Small sewing repairs such as missing buttons will be done by the laundry staff.
Unclaimed Clothing
Due to limited storage space, clothing unmarked and unclaimed within 90 days will be donated to a local charity or used by the Home for needy residents.
Laundry Taken Home
Families or relatives who take a resident’s laundry home are requested to provide a laundry bag or basket for the resident’s room. We attempt to ensure that all soiled clothing is placed in the receptacle but cannot guarantee this since some articles may be sent to the laundry in error or may be too soiled to be left in the room. All clothing should be appropriately labeled
Missing Clothing
If any articles of clothing are missing, please leave a list with a completed description of the missing clothing at the Unit’s Nursing Station. The Charge Nurse will contact the laundry staff. For safety reasons residents and families are not permitted in the laundry area.